"African innovation" in essence; African ideas that speak to the world. We live in a world where global problems merge together, no matter where we are on the globe.
Design bridges the gap by presenting needs to problems, by visually presenting an alternative world where one has the ability to achieve a better lifestyle.
A problem that was identified was motorbike accidents and the safety hazards. Due to the society we live in, high accident ratings are inevitable, especially with the growing population.
There is a risk of motorbikes or cars catching on fire due to collisions, and while some cars do have fire extinguishers in their cars, I questioned its availability and accessibility, should one be in a car a car accident.
I wanted to find a more innovative way of redesigning a fire extinguisher, by sourcing information from AEL Mining services. I redesigned the traditional fire extinguisher to potential save your life in the event of an accident.