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Noelle Augustus

This ones is exciting! One of my most treasured projects I have ever done, the social awareness campaign to save the vultures.

Now I know what your thinking... how does one make a vulture appeal to the public, especially when media always portrays them with negative connotations, their outward appearance does not meet the necessary quota of either being generically cute or beautiful, but thats what designers do, we challenge the norm and change perceptions.

Social awareness campaigns are relevant contributions on how designers can use design to create a positive impact, where people view things as a norm, design can push the limits to illustrate what is morally and ethically incorrect.

The primary problem for the vulture decline is poisoning, by farmers aiming to control other scavengers and predators such as jackals, they deliberately lay out poisoned carcass and vultures are the unintended victims. They are used for traditional african medicine (Muti) and generally people are unaware of their endangered status.

The concept for my project is called: The last of a dying tribe, taking the tribal element into consideration, this project will have a combination of natural colours and textures to evoke the experience of nature. The problems surrounding vultures are split; therefore this campaign will be split into three target markets, everyday local people, the farmers, and the people who use vultures for muti. Keeping this same concept of “the last of a dying tribe”, this project will use various elements to connect and physiologically persuade these target markets to stop endangering vultures.

The posters have 3 stages that the audience must rip, allowing them to physically interact with the design and get the idea of extinction.

Want to see more? check the slide show below to see the full project

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